Chapter : Lesson 4

Episode 9 - Cross Validation

face Josiah Wang


  • K-fold cross-validation
    • Divide dataset into K sets. Keep one set as test and use remaining as train. Repeat for each set.
  • 10-fold cross-validation: Most common.
  • Leave-one-out cross-validation: Keep one instance as test, and use remaining as train. Repeat for each instance.
  • N x K-fold cross-validation or repeated cross-validation: Repeat K-fold cross-validation with N different splits.
  • Two use cases:
    • Compute a more accurate/less biased estimate of your algorithm’s performance
    • For a less biased hyperparameter tuning
  • Combine both use cases with nested cross-validation
    • “Outer” cross-validation for algorithm’s performance estimate
    • “Inner” cross-validation for hyperparameter selection